题 目🙆🏼♂️💇🏼: Electrets based on polymer composite materials
报告人: Mansur Galikhanov 喀山国立研究工艺大学 (Kanzan National Research Technological University)
时 间: 12月19日(周四),下午 14:00 - 15:30
地 点🧑🏯: 物理馆512会议室
Electrets field of application is very wide: radioelectronics and radiotechnics, filtering, medicine and packaging. Polymers are one of the materials that are used to create electrets. The main issue is to increase electret properties of polymers.
The lecture presents the possibilities of polymer composite materials as electrets with high and stable electret properties. Conventional and modern implications of composite polymer electrets are shown.
Curriculum vitae:
2009 – till present, full professor at the Department of Processing Technology of Polymers and Composite Materials, Kazan State Technological University
2001-2009, associate professor at the Department of Processing Technology of Polymers and Composite Materials, Kazan State Technological University
1998-2001, assistance lecturer at the Department of Processing Technology of Polymers and Composite Materials, Kazan State Technological University
• Properties and structure investigation of electrets based on such polymer compositions as filled polymers, polymer blends, multilayer and sandwiched materials;
• processing of polymer electret materials;
• utilization of electrets materials as an active packaging that extends shelf life of food products