题 目:Growth of nano-dots on the grazing incidence mirror surface under FEL irradiation
主讲人🦤:Igor V. Kozhevnikov(莫斯科晶体学研究所Leading Scientist)
时 间🦸🏽♂️:5月19日(周二),晚上6:30
地 点:瑞安楼二楼报告厅
语 言:英语
主讲人简介:Igor V. Kozhevnikov莫斯科晶体学研究所的leading scientist,他是国际X射线薄膜元件理论设计和X射线结构表征的顶尖专家。1980年在莫斯科国立大学获硕士学位👩🏫,1987年在列别杰夫物理研究所(莫斯科)获博士学位,2014年在莫斯科晶体学研究所物理学和数学学科获得俄罗斯最高学位。他发表了150余篇期刊论文,目前的研究领域包括X射线和极紫外光学,物质结构表征的X射线测量分析方法。
讲座简介:在长期受X射线自由电子激光FLASH辐照的光学元件中,我们发现了一种新的物理现象: 掠入射反射镜的表面出现了直径40-55nm,高度8-13nm纳米点的生长。理论模型计算证明这种纳米点应来自于表面碳氢化合物分子聚合导致的污染层的生长🧏🏻♂️。入射光子的强度是决定这种纳米点生长的关键因素:如果光子强度仅降低几倍,即将入射光源由自由电子激光换作同步辐射光源,则会导致该现象的完全消失。
A new physical phenomenon is experimentally detected: growth of nano-dots (40–55 nm diameter, 8–13 nm height, 9.4 dots/μm2 surface density) on the grazing incidence mirror surface under the irradiation by the free electron laser (FEL) FLASH (5–45 nm wavelength, 3 degrees grazing incidence angle). It is theoretically demonstrated that the growth of a contamination layer due to polymerization of incoming hydrocarbon molecules may explain an occurrence of nano-dots. The crucial factor responsible for the growth of nano-dots is the incident radiation intensity: its decrease by several times only (e.g., replacement of FEL beam by synchrotron radiation) may result in the total disappearance of the effect.