题 目🔃:Quantum information, entanglement and nonlocality
报告人:Prof.OH Choo Hiap 胡祖协(新加坡国立大学)
时 间:9月25日(周四)👰🏽♂️,上午10:00-11:00
地 点🙅🏽♂️:南校区第一实验楼423会议室
The fundamentals of quantum mechanics have recently been exploited profusely for quantum technologies e g quantum cryptography, communication, quantum computer. After a brief introduction to quantum information, we explain and update some recent development in the underlying concept: entanglement and nonlocality.
•“State-Independent Proof of Kochen-Specker Theorem with 13 Rays” S. X. Yu and C. H. Oh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 030402 (2012).
•"All entangled pure states violate a single Bell's inequality". Sixia Yu, Qing Chen, Chengjie Zhang, C H Lai and C H Oh, Phys. Rev. Lett, 109 120402(2012)
•“Detecting and Estimating Continuous-Variable Entanglement by Local Orthogonal Observables” Chengjie Zhang, Sixia Yu, Qing Chen, and C. H. Oh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 190501 (2013).
•"Test of Genuine Multipartite Nonlocality without Inequalities" Qing Chen, Sixia Yu, Chengjie Zhang, C H Lai and C H Oh, Physical Review Letters, 112, 140404(2014).
•教育经历:University attended: University of Otago, New Zealand (1965 - 1972 ). Degrees: B. Sc. Hons. (First Class)1969. Ph.D., 1972.
•工作经历:1. Lecturer ; Associate Professor ( 1972 - 1983 ): School of Physics, University of Science of Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 2. Senior Lecturer; Associate Professor; Professor (1983- ): Physics Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 3. Deputy Head (1998 –2000); Head (July 2000 – June 2006): Physics Department, National University of Singapore
•荣誉与奖励:(1) Colombo Plan Scholarship (1965-1972) (2) Associate Member, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (1981-87), Trieste, Italy (3) Royal Society Commonwealth Bursary, 1980-81 (Cambridge U.K.) (4) Teaching awards in National University of Singapore (NUS) (5) National Science Award 2006 (Singapore).
•研究兴趣:Dual resonance models in high energy physics. Yang - Mills gauge field theories and Chern-Simon theories. Particle phenomenology in high energy physics. Quantum algebra and Yang-Baxter equations. Quantum information and computation.