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    [12月25日]Collective Thermoelectric Effect in Three-Terminal Thermoelectric Systems and Beyond

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    题 目:Collective Thermoelectric Effect in Three-Terminal Thermoelectric Systems and Beyond
    报告人:蒋建华 博士(加拿大多伦多大学)
    时 间☝🏼:12月25日(周三),上午11:00-12:00
    地 点:南校区第一实验楼423会议室

    Collective effects in thermoelectric  efficiency and power  are revealed by  studying three-terminal thermoelectric systems  where there are  two heat currents (forces) coupled  with a single electric current (force).  Collective effects  here refer to the phenomena  that  when  both  heat  forces  (i.e.,  temperature  gradients)  are  exploited  to generate electric power the maximal efficiency is larger than that for the case when only one of the heat forces is used. The figure of merit and the power factor for the collective  thermoelectric effect are derived for three-terminal thermoelectric systems which differ significantly from the conventional ones that are valid for two-terminal thermoelectric systems. The collective phenomena  are  supposed to be valuable  for applications as it can improve  the performance  of the  device considerably. It is found that the improvement  by  the  collective  effect  is  robust  to  parasitic  heat  conductance  which prevails in realistic devices. Finally we discuss possible realization and how to scale the nano-device to macroscopic one. We also talk about some general results beyond three- terminal systems.


    • 2000年-2010年, 中国科学技术大学🦹🏽‍♂️,学士、博士
    • 2010年-2012年,  Weizmann Institute of Science,Israel🍭,博士后
    • 2013年至今,加拿大多伦多大学👩🏻‍🦰,博士后
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