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[10月29日]Financial modeling and Quantum Mathematics

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题 目:Financial modeling and Quantum Mathematics
报告人:Prof. Belal E Baaquie(新加坡国立大学)
时  间:10月29日(周二)🧺,下午2:00-3:00
地  点:南 校区第一实验楼406会 议室


Financial instruments have a random evolution and can be described by a stochastic calculus. It is shown that another approach for modeling financial instruments - considered as a (classical) random system - is by employing the mathematics that results from the formalism of quantum mechanics. Financial instruments are described by the elements of a linear vector state space and its evolution is determined by a Hamiltonian operator. It is further shown that interest rates can be described by a random function - which is mathematically equivalent to a two dimensional Euclidean quantum field.



  • BS, Physics (1972), California Institute of Technology.
  • PhD, Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, 1976.
  • Research Associate, Stanford University, 1976-78
  • Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 1991
  • Physics Department, Harvard University 1998
  • Physics Department, National University of Singapore, 1984-2000
  • University Scholars Programme, Vice-Dean, 1998-2002
  • Physics Department, National University of Singapore, 2002 to present 
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