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[3月8日]学术报告:Reducing the Losses of Optical Metamaterials

【 字号:
主讲人 时间
一、题 目😭🕵🏼:Reducing the Losses of Optical Metamaterials
二、报告人:Dr. Fan, Anan (Iowa State University)
三、时 间😱:3月8日(星期二),上午10✖️:00
四🈯️、地 点:物理系512会议室
Metamaterials have attracted much attention due to its unprecedented electromagnetic properties. However, the envisioned applications are limited by the huge internal losses in the optical regime. Incorporation of gain into the metamaterial nanostructure becomes the most promising and generic way to reduce the losses. We present a computational scheme allowing for the self-consistent treatment of the combined system of metamaterial and gain. The gain is described by a semi-classical 4-level atomic system. Studies on different metamaterial structures, such as SRRs and fishnet structures, show low loss metamaterials are achievable by the introduction of gain.
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